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Online Ordering   / DELIVERY / Curbside for ABC and Kitchen

 Stop in and try us out!


Monday-Thursday  10am – 9pm
Friday  10am – 9pm
Saturday  8am – 9pm
Sunday 11am – 7pm


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A Virginia distillery located in the Moonshine Capital of the World.

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During one year of Prohibition more sugar was shipped by rail to Boones Mill and Franklin County than to New York City.

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All spirits available in our tasting room, Virginia ABC stores, and select restaurants and bars.


We invite you to taste history with Franklin County Distilleries’ White Label Corn Whiskey, available on Virginia ABC shelves, and featured at FDC’s new Tasting Room in Boones Mill, VA.

Homegrown in the Moonshine Capital of America, Franklin County, VA, FDC’s White Label Corn Whiskey builds on the brand that bootleggers built, and offers a true taste of history in every bottle.


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Franklin County Distilleries tastings in Boones Mill, VA



History of Moonshine in Franklin County, VA